In today's busy, stressful and hectic work environments, the question of whether relationships at work hold greater significance than simply getting the job done has become a subject of debate. The rise in people working from home and meeting online has brought this issue under the spotlight more and more. I think it's obvious that both aspects are vital but striking the balance between the two is crucial for fostering a positive and effective workplace.
Like many thousands of people, I have worked entirely from home during and since the COVID-19 pandemic, and being a 'people person' I found this challenging and became very much more aware of how much I missed the interaction in person with colleagues. But I tended to put myself under a lot of pressure to achieve getting things done and became less tolerant of interruptions from colleagues, that previously I would have welcomed. The interplay between the two is nuanced and when you start to look at it in more depth, it's more complex than first appears. Striking the right balance between relationships and delivering on the job is the key. I am a firm believer that good strong working relationships often lead to increased trust, better morale and a willingness to support one another. It also creates a sense of belonging, and increased exchange of ideas and knowledge, leading to better solutions and effective problem solving.
What can help strike the right balance? Here are some ideas:
Open and transparent communication, fostering a culture where colleagues feel comfortable discussing work related matters and addressing challenges/concerns.
Mutual support and asking for help engenders a sense of camaraderie and helps individuals to perform better collectively.
Setting healthy boundaries is crucial in a way that fosters relationships but ensures delivery of the work to be done.
Taking time to say thank you, as a leader and as a colleague, acknowledging teams and individual success and effort goes a long way to reinforcing both aspects.
Finally, striking the right balance requires on-going effort and a mindful approach to integrate relationship building with getting the job done!
Alix Crawford ,