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So much change! It's's some tips

I don't know about you, but I find change exhausting. Working in the NHS and Social Care can feel like you just go from one organisational change to the next, leaving you feeling worn out. As I mentioned in a previous post, I think frontline care staff are a special breed, they provide excellent care day in day out. To do that they have to maintain their value base and act compassionately. But tiredness can erode the personal resilience needed to counter act change fatigue. Building personal resilience can support the workforce to manage day to day pressures through understanding and managing stress. Here are some tips to help you build resilience:

  • The power of the pause: take a few seconds out, a minute out, five minutes out... everything starts to calm down a little.

  • Take a few breaths - breathe in for 3 seconds and out for 4, this helps you to calm down and lowers your heart rate.

  • Cultivate team resilience - looking out for each other, supporting each other when one of you is dealing with a difficult situation.

  • Use different time management tools and develop time management skills.

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